Company name: CMN ONLINE JOINT STOCK    

Commercial name: CMN ONLINE
TAX ID No.: 0311748214
Tel: +84-4-62737688+84-4-62737688
E-mail: hotro@cmn.vn
Domain name: www.cmn.com.vn
In accordance with that provided under the our business license no. 0105914970 on 13/06/2012, on Information Society and E-Commerce. We provided HERO MAX - our social game product on our partners’s mobile.
In order to use the CMN ONLINE application on the websites managed by our partners (Facebook, for example), you will be asked: 1. that you are a registered member of the website managed by our partner 2. install the HERO MAX application on your account created on our partner’s website. This case will imply your acceptance of the terms and conditions by which our partner’s website is governed, which generally allow the developers of applications such as HERO MAX to collect certain information about you.
On the other hand, the fact that you decide to connect your account and data on HERO MAX with Facebook or any other social network managed by a third party means that you accept that this information may fall into the public domain through this social network, holding CMN ONLINE harmless of any contingency that may result from this decision.
In this sense, the users expressly, freely and wholly accept that their personal data may be handled by CMN ONLINE  for the following purposes:

1. Sending commercial advertising communications via email, fax, SMS, MMS, social networks or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, which enables making commercial communication. Said commercial communications shall concern products or services offered by CMN ONLINE, as well as by the collaborators or partners with which CMN ONLINE. may have reached a commercial promotion agreement with its clients. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. In any case, the business communication shall be made by CMN ONLINE and shall be about products and services related to the sector of CMN ONLINE

2. Perform statistical studies.

3. To process orders, applications or any type of order or request that may be made by the user through any of the contact forms made available to the user at CMN ONLINE

4. Send the website’s news bulletin.

CMN ONLINE expressly informs and guarantees the users that their personal data will not be transferred to any third party companies, under any circumstances, and whenever any type of personal data may be transferred, it will first request the express, informed and unequivocal consent of those individuals.
All of the data requested through CMN ONLINE  is required, as it is necessary in order to provide optimal service to the user. In the case where not all of the data has been provided, CMN  ONLINE does not guarantee that the information and services provided are completely adapted to their needs.
For CMN ONLINE., it is very important to protect the privacy of minors. For this reason, nothing on our website is targeted towards minors under the age of 10; neither do we collect or store data on those persons whom we know are minors under the age of 10.  Thus, if you are under the age of 10 years old, we ask that you refrain from registering on our website and please do not send us your personal information. In the case where we discover that we have received information on users who are under the age of 14, we shall proceed to cancel this data as quickly as possible. If any user believes that CMN ONLINE has personal data on minors under the age of 14 years old, we ask them to please let us know about it by writing to hotro@cmn.vn. In general, we recommend that any underage person ask permission of his or her parents or legal guardians before putting any information about himself or herself online.
CMN ONLINE. shall be held harmless of any liability resulting due to non-compliance of the underage user with these guidelines.
In order to be able to access the “User Forum Community”, the user must choose a user name and password to be entered in the ‘Community’ section on the website: www.cmn.com.vn
CMN ONLINE.  shall not be responsible for any misuse of the passwords made by the user. It is the user’s responsibility to properly store the codes and passwords that may be provided in order to gain access as a user, preventing the user from any unauthorized use or access by third parties.
SOCIAL POINT, S.L. has adopted all of the technical and organizational means necessary in order to ensure the safety and integrity of the personal data that it handles, as well as to avoid its loss, alteration and/or access by unauthorized third parties.
If you would like to participate on our blog, you must accept the following rules:
1. Responsibility of the User. By participating on the website’s blog, you are the only person responsible for the messages that you post on the blog, guaranteeing CMN ONLINE that it shall remain completely harmless should any complaint or claim be filed in regards to your post.
In the case where the messages contain material protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, the user guarantees that it holds such rights or has obtained the owner’s authorization to post the information on its Blog, and shall hold CMN ONLINE. harmless from any claim that may be raised by third parties as a result of such content.
2. Before publishing a message, the user must choose the appropriate blog. Any messages that do not have anything to do with the topic of the blog may be removed. It is totally prohibited to publish any promotions and links of commercial offers, advertising, promotional material, chain letters or any indirect or indirect promotional activity or any other type of comment that does not fit with the normal development of the topics of the blog.
3. The user must respect the rest of the other users. The user must be tolerant and respectful with the messages and opinions of the other users. Any messages considered to abuse the rights of third parties or which pose a threat to the peaceful development of the blog, may be removed.
4. CMN ONLINE. reserves the right to copy, modify or disseminate messages published on blogs from the website, in accordance with the terms and means convenient, without owing the user any type of compensation.
5. CMN ONLINE is not responsible for that published on the blog of the website, nor does it guarantee the truthfulness or accuracy of any information published on them. The user remains responsible for the messages and information that it posts.
6. CMN ONLINE does not guarantee the availability or the continuity of the website’s blog service, and may modify it, suspend it or eliminate it without prior warning, at any time.
7. In the case where a user may be affected by illegal actions, or detects misuse of the blog by other users, it may inform CMN ONLINE. about it by writing to hotro@cmn.vn indicating in the subject line “moderation of the blog”, so that CMN ONLINE may moderate or eliminate the messages.
8. The user shall hold CMN ONLINE harmless against any claim that may be filed as a result of the messages that the user has published on its blog or for any other behavior related to or resulting from any use which the user makes of the blog on the website.
Registering on the SOCIAL POINT COMMUNITY FORUMS is free, but to do so, the user must first accept some basic and simple rules, which are listed as follows:
General rules
The exactness, integrity or truthfulness of the messages is not guaranteed.vn https://www.facebook.com/heromax (Fanpage HERO MAX) does not claim any responsibility whatsoever for the opinions or information shared by the users. Publishing opinions or information on the forum does not imply the recognition of https://www.facebook.com/vethancmn of the information as true, nor that it approves, agrees or supports such information. The opinions shared only reflect the personal opinion or point of view of its authors.
For all intents and purposes, responsibility for the information provided, opinions and, in particular, the full text of the messages written by a user, lies exclusively with said user.
It is not permitted to publish messages that contain false information and/or information which defames any person or organization. Any messages containing pornographic content or which are inappropriate for persons under age are also prohibited.  The same criteria applies to messages which are racist, sexist or critical of certain sectors or social groups.
Personal data and registration of IP addresses
https://www.facebook.com/hero stant messaging, phone number or home address. Apart from being irrelevant to the other users, this information may be misused by third parties, as it is information which is easily captured due to being published on a website.
https://www.facebook.com/heromax shall not be held liable for its dissemination, which is the exclusive responsibility of the user who publishes it.
https://www.facebook.com/heromax automatically registers the IP of all users who send messages to the forum. This information is only visible by the moderators and the administration of the forum, and we will collaborate to the extent possible with the relevant authorities in the event that https://www.facebook.com/heromax is required to provide any information about those who are alleged to have abused the law.
Users who are conflictive and/or in disagreement with the forum rules
Any user who disrupts the smooth running of the forum by making repeated complaints, criticizing the moderators and/or the administration or rules for using the forum shall be banned from the forum.
As a user, it is okay to disagree with any one of the rules, but it is clear that this does not entitle the user to break the rules. Breaking the rules will result in applying the corresponding sanctions by the moderators, who may warn the offender or ban said user directly, according to the seriousness of the action or repeated incidents of not following the rules.
The elimination of messages or removal from the forum does not grant the right to reply.
Messages created by members who have been banned from the forum
The messages created by a member who has been banned from the forum https://www.facebook.com/heromax, except for those which must be eliminated in accordance with the rules, shall remain on the forum and said offender may not demand that such messages be removed. It is considered that a message written in a public and free domain is a public contribution–in this case, a contribution to a group–and in the framework of collaboration, providing information and details. Eliminating such information would be in detriment to the whole group who has access to this information.
Non-retroactiveness of the rules
The establishment and change in the forum rules does not imply that they have been reversed. If, in the past, a particular user has been banned or sanctioned by the previous rules in place, said user must know that the present and/or future rules are not retroactive, and the bans and sanctions will remain in place.
Use of cookies
CMN ONLINE., on its own account, or on that of a third party hired to provide measurement services, may use cookies when a user browses its website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by means of a web server for the purpose of recording the user’s activities when they are browsing the website.
The cookies used by the website are associated only with an anonymous and their computer, and do not, on their own, provide personal data on the user.
By using cookies, the server where the website is hosted is able to recognize the web browser used by the user with the aim of simplifying the browsing experience, enabling, for instance, access to the users who have registered previously, access to the areas, services, promotions or contests reserved exclusively for them without having to register every time they visit the site.  They are also used to measure the audience and parameters of the traffic, to monitor the progress and number of entries.
Users have the possibility of configuring their web browser so that they receive a warning when receiving cookies and to prevent them from being installed on their computer. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser in order to obtain more information about how to do so.
In order to access, register and use the services and applications of the page, the user must allow the installation of the cookies sent by the website.
In any case, the cookies used on this website are temporary, with the sole purpose of making it more efficient to send them later. In no case will the cookies be used to collect information of a personal nature.
The web servers may automatically detect the IP address and domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number assigned automatically to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All of this information is recorded in a duly registered file on the server’s activity, which subsequently enables processing the data with the aim of obtaining purely statistical measurements that enable finding out the number of pages printed, the number of visits made to the web services, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.
CMN ONLINE.. uses techniques for safeguarding information which are generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, controlled access procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve this, the user/customer allows the provider to obtain data for the purposes of the corresponding authentication of the access controls.

Any hiring process or that which involves inputting data considered to be very sensitive (health, religion…) shall always be transmitted by means of a safe communication protocol, such that no third party has access to the information transmitted electronically.